Ohana means family, but it has taken us time to realize what that simple translation really means. Sixteen years ago, Ohana was formed as an independent organization based on the popular Hawaiian belief that anyone, blood related or not, can bind together as a family and work towards a better cause. With that said, we took on the challenge of THON to help end the fight against pediatric cancer.  Through the hard work, dedication and love from our members, we were able to make a huge difference. None of this would have been possible, however, without our strong, energetic, hilarious Four Diamonds families, the Kaitlyn Good family, the Tyler Wilson family, the Jay Dawson family, the Ashlyn Brysiak family, the Selah Karkan family, and the Katie Ducker family.

  the Goods                                                                the wilsons                                 

   The dawsons                                                               the brysiaks